We have been designing annual reports, brochures, information booklets and policy reports for two decades. We love taking your text documents and bringing them to life with skillful typography and enhancing understanding with engaging infographics and diagrams.

We worked with SAMH for over a decade and designed many reports for them, below are some pages from their manifesto ‘Standing up for Scotland’s mental health.’

You can read more about our work on the Standing Up for Scotland’s Mental Health campaign here
Scottish Book Trust
We worked with Scottish Book Trust to visualise all the ways reading and writing are accessed by different people, including spoken word, for their annual review. We illustrated the cover design and were able to add these characters throughout the report to enhance the messaging within the report – that reading and writing can enrich and change lives.

We worked with YPeople, and designed their annual report using bold impactful graphics and bold type.

Islington Giving
Working with photography can be very impactful and really emphasise the people that organisations work with as with these reports we designed for Islington Giving.

And a photographic report can still work alongside infographics, especially when emphasising statistics.

Edinburgh and Lothians Health Foundation
We take care to keep your reports on brand and often there are opportunities to emphasise your brand, for example, using brand shapes as bullet points, or as photographic holders which all help to keep your layouts unique to you.

More on publications and reports

Contact us to request our publications portfolio in PDF format, which includes many more examples.